Crafted with precision and artistry, this piece is a must-have for enthusiasts and collectors alike.
An eye-catching design that transforms any project into a masterpiece.
Stitch your Alma Matter! 4" Round, 18 mesh Crafted with precision and artistry, this piece is a must-have for enthusiasts and collectors alike. An eye-catching design that transforms any project into...
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We are subject to price changes from the many artists' whose work we offer at Barbara's Needlepoint. Any item not currently in stock is subject to price change.
Crafted with precision and artistry, this piece is a must-have for enthusiasts and collectors alike.
An eye-catching design that transforms any project into a masterpiece.
College |
Alabama, Akron U, Arizona State U, Auburn, Bell Tower NC State, Boston College, Boston U, Brown, Bucknell, Cal Poly, Carnegie Mellon, Chapman U, AZ, Colgate U, NY, College of Charleston, Cornell U, Clock Tower, Dartmouth, Denison, Depauw, Drexel, Duke, ECSU, Emory, Fresno State, Admin Bldg, Georgetown, Geo Washington U, Georgia Tech, Gonzaga, Harvard, Holy Cross, MA, Indiana U, Sample Gates, Iowa State, John Hopkins, Lafayette College, PA, Loyola, Loyola Marymount, LSU, Meredith College, Miami U, OH, Michigan State, Middlebury, VT, Millikin University, MIT Dome, Mizzou Columns, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Old Well House UNC, Ole Miss Lyceum, Ohio U, Ohio Wesleyan, Oxford, England, Penn State, Princeton, Pomona College, Samford, San Francisco State, SMU, SMU Rotunda, Stanford, Hoover Tower, Swathmore, Syracuse U, Quad, Texas A & M, Trinity College, CT, Troy U, Tulane, U of Arizona, Old Main, U of Arizona, Old Main U of Tennessee, Ayres Hall, UCLA, U of Cincinnati, UConn, U of Dayton, U of Delaware, U of Georgia, U of Illinois, Alma Mater, U of Iowa, U of Kansas, U of Kentucky, U of Maryland, UMass, U of Michigan, U of Nebraska Clock Tower, U of Penn, College Hall, U of Pittsburgh, U of Rochester, USC Widney Hall, U of Texas Clock Tower, UVA, U of Washington, Vanderbilt, Vassar, Villanova, Virginia Tech, VMI, Wake Forest, Washington and Lee, Washington U in St. Louis, Western Reserve Academy, Wharton, William & Mary, Xavier, YALE |